Thursday, February 2, 2012

My cold night: The Conclusion

Sooo, I woke up this morning...and it was still cold. I couldn't believe it. I was sure I would be sweating. I picked out an outfit for the day and put on my sneaks in anticipation of walking the 3 km to get to Ephesus (despite how it looks, pronounced Efes, like the Turkish beer, which took me 3 days to figure out after having to repeat myself multiple times, with different pronunciation each time before Turkish people knew what I was talking about), opened the door to go outside and down to breakfast...and it was SNOWING!!! Wrench in the plans but at least I managed not to slip and fall down the stairs. Then I come to find out over the course of the day that there hasn't been snow here in either A) 20 years B) 18 years or C) 8 years depending on who I was talking to. Great. So happy I was here for the lucky day. 


BUT, the snow did look kind of pretty gracing the tin roof next to the orange tree across the street. But, drat, I didn't have my camera with me at breakfast (and that never happens). So, I finished breakfast and headed back upstairs. Took out my camera and thought I might be able to get the shot out my window...I pulled back the curtin...and discovered it was OPEN! and thus had been open ALL NIGHT LONG. And the previous afternoon. No freakin' wonder.


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