Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My cold night


so-oo-oo-oo co-old, ca-n't fe-el my fing-gers...

Ok, it might not be quite that bad but it is cold in here. I got back from walking around town and having a nice 2 hour chat with my newest Turkish friend, Farat Ali, who has the most expensive Backgammon board I've ever seen and probably ever will (but that's a story for another time). I turned on the heater, pushing the red button just like the man told me to. It said 5--I'm assuming that meant it was 5 degrees F in there. I waved my arms around over the 3 beds in my Empty dorm room to try to decide which one felt the warmest but there was really no difference. The original bed I chose was next to the door, as far from the window side of the room as possible but right in direct line of the wind coming out of the heater so I moved right under the heater, next to window. I knew I had to put my pjs on so they could start warming up. I looked at the heater control, I looked away, I looked again, and I decided to try to make it work faster. Not the best plan. I think for a while it may have been blowing out air that was... on the colder side of the spectrum. 

I chose a bed, borrowed the 2 blankets from one of the other beds and climbed in. I had on socks, flannel pj pants, a t-shirt, a light zip-up sweatshirt, my Peruvian poncho thingy, a neck scarf, a wrap around head scarf, and my newest gloves (the 3rd pair I've bought in the past 2 weeks...) that I can handily type with. I looked at the heater again and now it seemed to say 2 degrees! WTF! OK, got it fixed and now it seems to have warm air coming out.  But it's still pretty cold. My fingers and nose are making themselves known. It's a little hard to move my legs because the blankets are heavy. Ok, maybe that's a slight exaggeration but you know the feeling. I finally take off the scarves and gloves as I'm confidant I'm on the right track now and it'll start to get warm really fast-- the thing is set to 32 which seems pretty warm to me if my Farenheit degree knowledge is up to snuff.  I finally turn the light out, pull my arms in and snuggle down in. I wake at about 7 when the call to prayer sounds. My shoulders are cold but I can't burrow in enough for them to be covered since the blankets aren't like duvets that mold around your body. I pull the poncho back up to the bed and wrap it around my shoulders and catch a few more winks. 

But why is it still so cold?

To be continued...


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