Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hanging head in shame (sort of)

(pistachio cake)

and this:

(fruit/sherbet sundae)

we're my dinner last night along with a Starbucks coffee.
BUT, I prepared a traditional Turkish breakfast this morning meaning I ate cucumbers and tomatoes. So that kind of makes up for it, right? OK, I also ate bread, olives, a soft hard-boiled egg, and hard, stringy, sour goat cheese that comes knotted like mozzerella (Dad, you are probably the only person I know who that would sound appealing to) with a sprinkling of olive oil, oregano, and hot chilli flakes on top. Turkish breakfast is really winning me over. I mean, olives for breakfast? Yes, please!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Whit,
    maybe not surprisingly, i would be second in line behind dad for that breakfast cheese description. Cheese is my daily craving, even if i were back home, and even moreso where packaged singles or wrapped french cow 'imitation' cheese are the best options for weeks in Laos.
    Finally getting to your site, loving the pics in the first post, had to write you about the goat cheese and how good it sounded even before seeing the scrumptious picture.
    comp fixed, in touch better now/soon.
