Monday, January 30, 2012

Helpful packing tips

 Things I'm really glad I brought with me:

  1. slippers-- these came in really handy while in Locorotondo at Giorgio's parents apartment when we had to be quiet becuase the Prince was sleeping. Neither of my shoes were particularly quiet. 
  2. ear plugs. There's been some snoring. But also, at the country house where I slept in Locorotondo, instead of using screens on the doors they use beads, a la 70's decor. It was pretty windy some nights and those beads could make quiet a racket. 
  3. Swiss army knife. I haven't actually used it yet but I feel better just knowing I have it :)
  4. a long coat. It's much nicer to sit on cold park benches with an extra layer between you

Things that I forgot:

  1. towel-- who knows what some of the places I'll end up staying at will be like?
  2. hat and gloves-- um, hello?, it's winter here...
  3. clothes for running in the winter-- see above
  4. watch-- it would be nice to have a back-up alarm clock in case my phone goes dead and I can't plug it in
  5. adapter-- this is so obvious I can't even think off anything to say. Thankfully Laura had one I could use in London and then Giorgio had a nifty one that has retracting prongs so you only need one for many different countries that he let me use and them borrow

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